????? ?????? ???????? cwmm-dev@2rosenthals.com
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Roderick Klein  Re: [cwmm-dev] Ticket 3 (CD digital transfer)  3225   26-???-20  
Steven Levine  Compiling cwwm  5368   19-???-20  
Steven Levine  Compiling cwwm - dde4cpp trap?  4315   28-???-20  
Roderick Klein  CWMM testing so far with SMplayer and mplayer combined...  3503   17-???-24  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Distributing related binaries and codecs (was: Re: [cwmm-dev] CWMM testing so far with SMplayer and mplayer combined...)  10K   18-???-24  
Dave Yeo  Environment?  8013   18-???-21  
Dave Yeo  NLS files  4020   26-???-20  
Lewis  Proposed sync merge of TW localization into v2.9 branch  1221   21-???-20  
Lewis  READMEs, licenses  2943   27-???-20  
Lewis  RU added  787   30-???-21  
Lewis  Ticket 3 (CD digital transfer)  926   26-???-20  
Lewis  Welcome, and some administrivia  1699   19-???-20  

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