メーリングリストのアーカイブ メッセージ #19

差出人: "Lewis" <> フル ヘッダー
件名: Re: [cwmm-dev] NLS files
日付: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 01:04:46 -0400
宛先: CWMM Developers Mailing List <>

On 07/26/20 11:24 pm, Dave Yeo wrote:
So I fixed the building of the new NLS files. One weird thing I found was classes/res/es/mmres_es.c which was totally different from the other NLS mmres_*.c files. Lewis, where did you find that? I take it you have no objection to changing it to (ignoring the license header)

#include <os2.h>

PSZ queryLanguage()
  return "Español";

I'll push my changes shortly, mostly makefiles, if no objections.

No objection whatsoever, and the mmres_es.c was mine. I pulled the wrong sample (en) to use as a template. I should have pulled fr, instead. I meant to go back and have a closer look. Sorry about that!!



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