メーリングリストのアーカイブ メッセージ #49 | 一覧へ戻る |
On 02/19/21 01:35 PM, Gregg Young wrote:
> PUSEITEM is defined in WPOBJECT.H which is in %TOOLKIT%\H
> Your source file needs the following to find it.
> #include <os2.h>
OK, that makes sense.
> Possible problems:
> Since your include path contains %TOOLKIT%\H either WPOBJECT.H is missing or the definition of %TOOLKIT% is wrong.
Seems to be WPOBJECT.HH that is included, though the .H might be somewhere.
> Another possibility is that the
> #define INCL_WINWORKPLACE got removed from the source file in question.
Most likely, or wasn't originally needed.
> Lastly some other setup file specific to CWMM could be changing your include path without appending the one you provided. HTH
Just need to figure out which #include <os2.h> needs it. Is there a
simple way to get the preprocessor output?
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