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1148 meddelanden   föregående meddelande   1-50 av 1148   nästa meddelande  
Lewis Rosenthal  Email security still has a forwarding problem • The Register  926   20-Feb-23  
Massimo S.  test  1614   04-Jan-20  
Massimo S.  php 5.6.40  1691   18-Apr-20  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Interesting Apache block list  1703   03-Feb-23  
Massimo S.  hosts file reload  1729   26-Maj-20  
Massimo S.  php 5.6.40 - success  1739   28-Sep-20  
Massimo S.  apache 2.4.46 success  1740   18-Apr-21  
Ian Manners  SSH for OS/2  1750   05-Apr-20  
Massimo S.  php 5.6.40  1777   28-Feb-20  
Massimo S.  Injoy FW 4.2.2 and dialup-vpn with W10  1816   04-Maj-21  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] unwanted bots  1839   19-Apr-21  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] Editor more like OS/2's e or AE  1840   15-Dec-20  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [eCS-ISP] rynsc SHL  1841   24-Nov-20  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] unwanted bots  1855   26-Apr-21  
Massimo S.  web statistics  1872   05-Feb-20  
Massimo S.  ssh client  1907   07-Mar-20  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [eCS-ISP] No fallback from TLS 1.3 after recent Android update (AT&T)  1908   01-Apr-24  
Massimo S.  curl and return codes  1932   03-Sep-20  
Massimo S.  apache 2.4.x and php 5.6.40  1938   27-Feb-21  
Lewis G Rosenthal  No fallback from TLS 1.3 after recent Android update (AT&T)  1960   01-Apr-24  
Massimo S.  bind - which version?  1963   23-Jan-20  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] bind - which version?  1965   23-Jan-20  
Massimo S.  pings from AWS IPs/servers  1972   05-Feb-20  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] file system zero bytes free system crash  1983   22-Feb-21  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] Fwd: New BIND releases are available: 9.11.28, 9.16.12, and 9.17.10  1985   03-Apr-21  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] Stunnel 5.58 - success  1992   27-Mar-21  
Massimo S.  file system zero bytes free system crash  1995   22-Feb-21  
Lewis Rosenthal  Re: [eCS-ISP] "A vulnerability has been discovered in glibc"  2008   12-Feb-24  
Massimo S.  CLI util to show if a task has a number of instances in memory  2028   14-Dec-20  
Massimo S.  dynamic dns and bind 9.11.2x  2038   18-Maj-21  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] Bind 9.11.20  2064   10-Aug-20  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] SSH for OS/2  2076   05-Apr-20  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [eCS-ISP] CLI util to show if a task has a number of instances in memory  2079   14-Dec-20  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] Stunnel 5.58  2085   11-Mar-21  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] Stunnel 5.58 - success  2086   26-Mar-21  
Massimo S.  100Megabit FTTC connection but eCS+Injoy Firewall stil work at about 20Megabit/sec  2098   22-Apr-21  
Massimo S.  env vars and start command  2105   19-Okt-20  
Ian Manners  Editor more like OS/2's e or AE  2123   15-Dec-20  
Massimo S.  rynsc SHL  2126   24-Nov-20  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] unwanted bots  2126   29-Apr-21  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] apache 2.4.x and php 5.6.40 - lack imap module  2129   16-Mar-21  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] apache 2.4.x and php 5.6.40 - success  2129   21-Mar-21  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [eCS-ISP] [BULK] [eCS-ISP] Bind 9.11.20  2148   13-Jul-20  
Massimo S.  help with rexx (LINEIN function)  2159   23-Jan-20  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] yum update issue  2167   28-Mar-21  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] apache 2.2.34 and php 5.4.60 - success  2177   28-Mar-21  
Lewis G Rosenthal  Re: [eCS-ISP] rynsc SHL  2185   24-Nov-20  
Ian Manners  Re: [eCS-ISP] SSH for OS/2  2190   06-Apr-20  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] Stunnel 5.58 - success  2199   26-Mar-21  
Massimo S.  Re: [eCS-ISP] virtualization  2205   21-Dec-19  

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