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Od: "Steven Levine" <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com> Glava
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Zadeva: Re: [eCS-ISP] clamscan issue - directories with a lot of files
Datum: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 08:45:54 -0800
Za: "eCS ISP Mailing List" <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com>

In <list-11206060@2rosenthals.com>, on 11/04/24
   at 06:48 PM, "Doug Bissett" <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com> said:

Hi Doug,

>First, I used Clamscan, some years ago. to scan my mail store (in
>PMMail). It was a memory hog, and was causing a lot more problems than
>any virus ever did. So I quit using it.

Makes sense for your setup.  Massimo's situation is a bit different.  He
has clients and it's his responsibility to attempt to prevent viruses from
infecting client systems to the level possible given the services he's
providing to these clients.

The recent ClamAV build is much better because we found a way to configure
it that avoid many of the memory issues that the build you uses had.  The
ClamAV developers have mentioned working on reducing the DB size and
memory requirements, but this does not appear to be a high priority task.

Virus scanning is always going to be somewhat difficult given what's
available for OS/2.  Your clamdscan idea could be made to work.  It's
similar to my suggestion in that it checks only new files.  As you say,
the chance of an existing file getting infected is extremely low.

FWIW, I still run NAVOS2 once a month mostly out of curiosity.  I'm
wondering when Symantec will stop providing compatible signature updates.


"Steven Levine" <steve53@earthlink.net>  Warp/DIY/BlueLion etc.
www.scoug.com www.arcanoae.com www.warpcave.com

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