Mensaje archivado #1048 de la Lista

De: "Massimo S." <> Encabezados Completos
Mensaje no decodificado
Asunto: Re: [eCS-ISP] Getting started with Let's Encrypt
Fecha: Fri, 6 Dec 2024 20:45:22 +0100
Para: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 06/12/2024 11:32, Peter Moylan ha scritto:
I'm now pretty much ready to release my WebServe with TLS support, but so far I can only test via the loopback address on my desktop computer -- this works -- because Firefox doesn't like my self-signed certificate.

Looking at the Let's Encrypt web site suggests that I need Certbot, except that they don't have an OS/2 version. Has someone ported this? Or is there another route? If need be, I could probably port this myself.

I must admit I'm a little nervous about the whole process, given the difficulties that Massimo seems to have run into; but maybe his issue is specific to Apache.

personally i still prefere/use 1.0.19

i've found some issues with 1.2.4

i use the hook script from Steven, but it needs standard paths for apache htdocs etc.
that's not possible to use easily with my configuration

since the website market, at least here in Italy, is nowadays allmost gone
it happens to have one new website/client per year
so it's not an issue for me to create a new one when i develop a new website

the only difference it's that i need to write the webhosting path
directly into each single hook script

but i guess that for you "my solution" is simpler since you
have to manage just one certificate, maybe two..


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