Mailing List Archived Message #1072

From: "Alfredo Fernández Díaz" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] VIO Font Size (Was: Re: Getting started with Let's Encrypt)
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2024 13:10:04 +0100
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

On 2024/12/09 01:36, Peter Moylan wrote:
On 09/12/24 00:20, Alfredo Fern�ndez D�az wrote:
On 2024/12/08 09:56, Peter Moylan wrote:
On 08/12/24 15:57, Steven Levine wrote:
In <>, on 12/08/24 at 02:11 PM,
"Peter Moylan" <> said:

That made me rediscover a flaw in the design: changing the
font size changes it for all instances of the shell (and also
all instances of 4OS2) rather than for just one application.


I should look into where the font size is saved to. It might be
saved in the extended attributes of the shell. If so, there could
be a way to add the relevant information to the extended attributes
of one program object, without affecting the global command shell

It is saved in the USER INI file, as a two-byte character value
(first byte is VIO cell size cols, second is rows) of the 'Shield'
application. The name of the key under which this value is stored is
 language-dependent, and it starts with or at least has a tilde (~)
character in it. I just set it on a VM and it seems to be '~Font
Size...' in English ArcaOS.

Thanks. That means I can't change it for one program without changing it
for all command-line applications.

Well, OK, I guess I could write a wrapper script that temporarily
changed the setting. I'll give that some thought.

I wrote a crude REXX applet long ago that did that, more or less: it took a VIO size and an Object ID as parameters. It read the current VIO size setting, adjusted it as per parameters, launched the object as a new window so it used the size used as parameter, and then set the VIO size back to the previous system default.

I seem to recall I had problems opening several VIO sessions with different sizes concurrently or something similar -- I forget because I stopped using it when I switched to bigger VIO sizes almost universally. Then I lost it, and I never got round to rewriting it in presentable fashion, but I am sure you can use the idea and improve on that as necessary.

Best regards,

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