Mailing List Archived Message #1073

From: "Peter Moylan" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Getting started with Let's Encrypt
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 10:54:05 +1100
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

On 07/12/24 16:42, Steven Levine wrote:

To get started you need to create the c:\etc\ssl\uacme directory that
uacme.exe expects to exist.

Then you need to register yourself with Let's Encrypt using

   uacme -v new

to create your production account.  This will create
c:\etc\ssl\uacme\private\key.pem - your account's private key.

Well, I can report partial success. It turns out that uacme wants a number of DLLs that existed on my desktop computer but not on my server. After copying those over, the "uacme -v new" worked, except for an error message at the end.

At this point, I believe you will not need a staging account.  Staging
accourts are intended for high volume certificate and tools testing and
you should not need any of this.

Once you are registered, create a script to issue your certificate.  I
recommend you edit a copy of


changing the domain list to match the domain set for the certificate you
want to create.  IIRC, the first domain in the list will determine where
uacme writes the cert and key files.  The resulting script will be
something like

uacme -v -h uacme-hook.cmd issue ...

Here's the result of that "issue" operation:

[D:\APPS\UACME]uacme -v -h uacme-hook.cmd issue
uacme: version 1.2.4 starting on Tue, 10 Dec 2024 10:06:27
uacme: loading key from /@unixroot/etc/ssl/uacme/private/key.pem
uacme: loading key from /@unixroot/etc/ssl/uacme/private/
uacme: checking existence and expiration of /@unixroot/etc/ssl/uacme/
uacme: /@unixroot/etc/ssl/uacme/ does not exist
uacme: fetching directory at
A non-recoverable error occurred.  The process ended.

It looks as if the crash happened at the point of fetching something from the web site. I've checked with Firefox that that URL gives an apparently valid file.

I now have two key.pem files (and they look OK) but no certificate. The only challenge in the .well-known\acme-challenge directory of my web site is a couple of files left over from a test of two days ago (so I've deleted those), so the process  has not proceeded to the point of issuing the challenge.

I don't think that uacme-hook.cmd has yet been invoked, but maybe I should insert some tracing code into that script to see whether it started.

Peter Moylan        

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