Mailing List Archived Message #1080

From: "Massimo S." <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] mysql upgrade 5.1.73 -> 5.6.51 (for Steven) - update
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 16:18:38 +0100
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 10/12/2024 15:46, Massimo S. ha scritto:

Il 10/12/2024 15:17, Massimo S. ha scritto:

Il 10/12/2024 14:12, Massimo S. ha scritto:
Il 10/08/2023 00:19, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In <>, on 08/09/23
    at 12:09 PM, "Massimo S." <> said:

Hi all,

Here's the mysql upgrade procedure that worked for me

== mysql_upgrade 5.1 -> 5.6 ==

  - Tested with mysqld
      Ver 5.1.73 for pc-os2-emx on i386 (Source distribution)
      Ver 5.6.51 for OS2 on i386 (Source distribution)

  - The following assumes
      5.6 datadir will be /data/mysql56
      5.1 datadir is /data/mysql51
      innodb_data_home_dir is /data/mysql56-data/innodb
  - Use names that match your setup

hi Steven,

i first need to try 5.6.51 and i will point some websites and webmail to the new
mysql installation, if all runs correctly i will start with this new setup

i will not upgrade mysql on the same VM/directories

i'm going to copy all the stuff from the mysql running in production to the other mysql 5.6.51 on another VM

  - Open session with current directory set to 5.6 bin directory
    Run binaries from the directory

  - Verify my.cnf is 5.6 compatible

yes, i dit

    Edit as needed to protect/hide 5.1 data

i don't need this since mysql 5.1 is on another vm

  - Create /data/mysql56
  - Create /data/mysql56/mysql
  - Create /data/mysql56/innodb
  - Copy /data/mysql51/mysql to /data/mysql56/mysql
  - Run
      mysqld --console
    The server should start
    There will be warnings

done, yes, i've warnings :)

  - Run

a couple of crash, but after it completed with OK

    The server may crash
  - If the server crashes, run
      mysqld --console
    to restart the server
    There will be warnings
    to retry the upgrade
    The upgrade should run without errors
    if not get help

  - Copy the rest of the 5.1 databases to /data/mysql56
  - Run
      mysql_upgrade --force
    to upgrade these databases
    The upgrade should run without errors
    If not get help

  - Run
      mysqlcheck --all-databases
    to cross-check upgrade results

  - Check /data/mysql56/mysql_upgrade_info
    It should contain 5.6.51

The logs imply that, at least in my case, only the mysql database needed
unusual modifications.  The log output for all the other databases and
tables reported OK with no additional messages or warnings.


here i've issue, eg. with roundcube webmail

2024-12-10 13:49:15 5311 [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot open table rcube2/session from
  the internal data dictionary of InnoDB though the .frm file for the table exist
s. See for ho
w you can resolve the problem.

i don't understand if i've to copy also innodb stuff from 5.1 vm to 5.6 vm
or if i have to let mysql 5.6 recreate it

please help me ;)

i need to upgrade to 5.6, 5.1.73 is too much old and i've issues
importing new websites or managing DB with phpmyadmin


that's really strange i've seen that the 2 table spaces used by the 2 webmails
are like untouched since years, webmails are working perfectly, but they don't
write anything in the 2 databases, eg. (one of the 2 DB):

  7/11/18 13:47          8.708    124 a---  cache.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.700    124 a---  cache_index.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.728    124 a---  cache_messages.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.672    124 a---  cache_shared.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.668    124 a---  cache_thread.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.660    124 a---  contactgroupmembers.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.712    124 a---  contactgroups.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.874    124 a---  contacts.frm
  7/11/18 11:21             65    124 a---  db.opt
  7/11/18 13:47          8.634    124 a---  dictionary.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.976    124 a---  identities.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.696    124 a---  searches.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.694    124 a---  session.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.592    124 a---  system.frm
  7/11/18 13:47          8.912    124 a---  users.frm

but pointing the webmail to the old DB machine (5.1.73) works
pointing it to the new DB machine 5.6.51 don't work
like the wembail is unable to connect to the DB
and on mysqld console i get..

2024-12-10 13:47:24 5288 [Warning] InnoDB: Cannot open table rcube2/session from

anyway the 2 webmails DB do not get updated from mysql_upgrade command
they remain in "5.1 format" and of course the webmail don't work


i'm now completely puzzled

i've entered the webmail, i removed 3 contacts and exited
then i closed the browser, cleared cache etc.
re-entered the webmail and it works correctly, the 3 contacts are gone

the tablespaces on mysql DB machine (the onet 5.1.73) are still with 2018 dates..

i've found the modifies in ibdata1 file on \mysql\data dir
is this the way mysql work?


i've deleted anything under \data

and re-copied all the stuff with ibdata1 file too, done again the upgrade

now i don't get anymore errors like these:

Error    : Table 'rcube2.system' doesn't exist
status   : Operation failed
Error    : Table 'rcube2.users' doesn't exist
status   : Operation failed

and webmails seems to work correctly
even performances are good


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