Mailing List Archived Message #1083

From: "Steven Levine" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Getting started with Let's Encrypt
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 21:21:35 -0800
To: "eCS ISP Mailing List" <>

In <>, on 12/08/24
   at 09:00 PM, "Peter Moylan" <> said:

Hi Peter,

>> to create your production account.  This will create
>> c:\etc\ssl\uacme\private\key.pem - your account's private key.

>SYS1804: The system cannot find the file CURL4.

These are all libraries supplied by netlabs and can be installed with yum
or anpm.  Both have the ability given a DLL to find the name of the
corresponding rpm package.

When his kind of failure happens  chkdll32 or pmdll are your friends

>chkdll32 uacme.exe
Loading DLL 'libcn0' --> D:\USR\LIB\LIBCN0.DLL.
Loading DLL 'libcx0' --> D:\USR\LIB\LIBCX0.DLL.
Loading DLL 'gtls30' --> D:\USR\LIB\GTLS30.DLL.
Loading DLL 'curl4' --> D:\USR\LIB\CURL4.DLL.
Loading DLL 'doscalls' --> loaded.
All DLL's used by 'uacme.exe' could be loaded.

>Hmm. ANPM says that I have curl installed. It sounds as if I'm going to
>be spending a few days on a DLL hunt.

FWIW, the hunting time should be at worst an hour.  We have to tools to
answer the questions.

I'll take some of the blame for his.  I tend to assume that folks have a
basic understanding of how we port linux app and how we use netlabs to
provide a large number of the required supporting DLLs.

>Suggestion: modify the format of your file so that
>the first field on each line gives the HTML document root for that

That's basically what I plan to do, although the the lines will start with
a keyword to allow for additional functionality in the future.  This will
allow the definition of dual homed domains to bone via the control file.

>Because, no matter what "logical" file layout plan you devise,
>you will find installations where that arrangement doesn't work.

I did not implement these scripts with the specific intention of having
them used by anyone other than Dan and I.  The code is clean enough that
these kinds of enhancements will be relatively low effort.

>I noticed that your uacme-hook has a lot of error checking that could, in
>my opinion, be once-only checks. (In my case, the error messages prompted
>me to create a number of directories that didn't exist.) If I were doing
>that job, I'd write a separate "configure" script that created all the
>necessary directories and configuration file, and where needed prompted
>the user for some locations; and then simplify the uacme-hook code.

If these scripts turn into a product, there will have to be some sort of
installer for the rest of the world.

I most likely will not remove the error checking code.  Stuff happens even
on well maintained working systems.  I'd rather the the code tell me
what's wrong than have to figure out some unexpected strange failure.  The
hook script is not all that easy to debug because it's launched by


"Steven Levine" <>  Warp/DIY/BlueLion etc.

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