Mailing List Archived Message #1088

From: "Peter Moylan" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Getting started with Let's Encrypt
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 21:05:12 +1100
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

On 11/12/24 16:41, Steven Levine wrote:

How many times did you retry the issue request.  The Let's Encrypt site
can get busy.  This is why the uacme-renew script has retry logic.

Certainly several times per day for the past several days. I keep trying with slightly different conditions, e.g. switching between versions of uacme.exe.

Just to be sure, I recommend using yum or rpm to ensure that your set of
netlabs supplied DLLs is up to date and consistent.

Yes, that's the obvious next step now that POPUPLOG.OS2 has pointed the finger at CURL4.DLL.

Peter Moylan        

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