Mailing List Archived Message #1092

From: "Steven Levine" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Getting started with Let's Encrypt
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 07:32:38 -0800
To: "eCS ISP Mailing List" <>

In <>, on 12/11/24
   at 08:54 PM, "Peter Moylan" <> said:

Hi Peter,

>POPUPLOG.OS2 is completely unhelpful.

FWIW, it's 100% helpful because it's telling you exactly what's failing if
not exactly how to fix it.

>12-11-2024  20:41:59  SYS2070  PID 00e9  TID 0001  Slot 00d0

This is how OS/2 has always reported missing entry points in a DLL.  It's
reporting that your curl4.dll needs ordinal 1988 from libcn0.dll which
does not exist in the version of libcn0.dll you have installed.

>I'm puzzled about what to do next. Well, I guess I should first check
>whether I have an outdated CURL4.DLL, but that's all I can think of.

You can't know for sure if the culprit is curl4 or libcn0.  All you know
at this point is that they are mismatched.

  yum update libc
  yum update curl

will ensure you have the latest version installed for your platform.

There is another possibility.  You mentioned that this was an older setup.
Check the content of


and make sure it contains


Older systems often used


Bitwiseworks has deprecated the i686-OS/2-OS/2 platform which means that
the installed libraries may not be up to date.

For example:

yum --noplugins --disablerepo=*exp -C list libc


Installed Packages
libc.pentium4                    1:0.1.12-1.oc00                    
installed Available Packages
libc.i686                        1:0.1.9-1.oc00                    
netlabs-rel libc.pentium4                    1:0.1.13-1.oc00                    

The libc 0.1.9 build is sure not to work well with some newer packages
that were built against 0.1.13.


"Steven Levine" <>  Warp/DIY/BlueLion etc.

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