Mailing List Archived Message #1098

From: "Peter Moylan" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] VIO Font Size (Was: Re: Getting started with Let's Encrypt)
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2024 12:17:34 +1100
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

On 12/12/24 03:08, Steven Levine wrote:
In <>, on 12/11/24 at 09:21 PM, "Peter
Moylan" <> said:

/* Wrapper to set font size and then run accounts. */

I never explained why I wanted to adjust the font size for just one
application. My working style is such that I often have several VIO
windows open. If they're too big the screen gets too cluttered, so
normally I leave the font size set to 16x8. This is good enough for most
purposes. For example, I find a "dir" listing readable at that size.

For bank account reconciliation, though, I find that I'm misreading
digits, and I need frequent checks of the running balance to detect data
entry faults or missing items. So for that job I find myself with a
magnifying glass over the phone (for the bank's on-line banking app),
which I then have to put over the screen. With a larger font size I only
need the magnifying glass in one place.

(I've tried requesting the bank to use a bigger font for the running
balance, and a higher-contrast colour choice than light-grey-on-white.
But the person at the bank who came up with the "new and better" online
banking interface is the typical web site designer with young eyes, and
he ignored me.)

(The older version was better for me because I could view it with
Firefox, but the new version is incompatible with OS/2 Firefox.)

I took a quick look at the console sources.  Despite the author's
claim of being new to C, the code is a good example of how to
implement this kind of tool.

I thought I recognized some of the coding style.  Turn's out Andrew
Zabolotny is also the author of lxlite, which is  written in Pascal.

It's a pity that so many of the OS/2 application developers have

I am phasing out my use of lxlite because of growing disk sizes, but for
a long time I used it a lot.

Peter Moylan        

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