Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #1107

Van: "Massimo S." <> Volledige berichtkoppen
Ongedecodeerd bericht
Onderwerp: Re: [eCS-ISP] Injoy rule (portmap internet IP -> lan)
Datum: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 10:45:50 +0100
Aan: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 12/12/2024 00:58, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In <>, on 12/11/24
    at 01:22 PM, "Massimo S." <> said:

Hi Massimo,

This is the mlink rule:
link  daytime
access  daytime


I also read the portmap example rules, but none work.

As I read the examples, not of the sample port map rules really do what
you are trying to do.  As I read they, they all exposed a server running
on the host system to the WAN.  What you are trying to do is allow a
locally running client to access the daytime server on the WAN.

I tried this, but it neither produce a log when i start the ntp client on
the local PC that instead works correctly if i use mlink on the server.

I recommend you add a couple of log only rules

Rule-Action = Log,
Comment = "Packet received from",
Source = "",
Source-port = "13",
Protocol = UDP,
Log-Control = Enabled,
Log-Mask = "date time severity message resolved_source resolved_dest",
Log-File = "daytime_in.log"

Rule-Action = Log,
Comment = "Packet received from",
Source = "",
Source-Port = "13",
Log-Control = Enabled,
Log-Mask = "date time severity message resolved_source resolved_dest",
Log-File = "daytime_out.log"

This will allow to verify the your daytime client is really talking to the
ports you think it is.


thanks, but this rule do not produce any log

BTW, what daytime client are you trying to use?

i don't recall exactly, but it works perfectly if i use mlink on the VM1
VM1 has 2 Nics

one for the WAN (where injoy is binded)
and one for the internal lan

maybe Injoy FW can't do what mlink does?


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