Re: [eCS-ISP] Injoy rule (portmap internet IP -> lan)
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 21:41:10 -0800
"eCS ISP Mailing List" <>
In <>, on 12/24/24
at 09:32 AM, "Massimo S." <> said:
Hi Massimo,
>this don't produce any log
As I said before pretty much what I expected.
>i'm starting to believe that Injoy do anything on the NIC2
>since it's binded on the NIC1/WAN
Why would you ever think it could? Take a look at your protocol.ini.
Ijfw can only see packets that pass through fxwrap.
What I've never tried is to bind fxwrap to both interfaces on an 2 NIC
setup. Baring defects it should work. I would expect that you would need
run two instances of gateway.exe with two sets of rules.