Mailing List Archived Message #1120

Fra: "Massimo S." <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Emne: Re: [eCS-ISP] Injoy rule (portmap internet IP -> lan)
Dato: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 16:55:36 +0100
Til: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 25/12/2024 06:41, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In<>, on 12/24/24
    at 09:32 AM, "Massimo S."<>  said:

Hi Massimo,

this don't produce any log
As I said before pretty much what I expected.

i'm starting to believe that Injoy do anything on the NIC2
since it's binded on the NIC1/WAN
Why would you ever think it could?  Take a look at your protocol.ini.
Ijfw can only see packets that pass through fxwrap.

What I've never tried is to bind fxwrap to both interfaces on an 2 NIC
setup.  Baring defects it should work.  I would expect that you would need
run two instances of gateway.exe with two sets of rules.


thanks, but no
mlink runs only scheduled for some hours and it use just one thread
that's better

i tought it was possible to use insted Injoy FW to free one thread
and not having to manage another software

anyway this VM runs a lot of stuff and it's quite high on threads
it will become more unstable


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