Mailing List Archived Message #1123

Fra: "Massimo S." <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Emne: Re: [eCS-ISP] (clamav) freshclam and cron/2
Dato: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:08:17 +0100
Til: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 26/12/2024 17:39, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In <>, on 12/26/24
    at 04:59 PM, "Massimo S." <> said:

Hi Massimo,

i only use yum..

If you are going to use yum rather than anpm, I recommend you spend a bit
more time learning how to use it to do the things that anpm typically does
automatically for end-users.

FWIW, I don't believe you only use yum.  Unzip is not yum.

anyway the package do not work

The package works fine.  It appears you failed to install the package
properly.  Typically you neglected to tell us the commands that did not do
what you expected them to, so we can only guess how you led yourself
astray.  That said, I am pretty good at guessing.

it do not contains any certificate file
only links to cert files that do not exist :(

If you used yum correctly, it should have installed the package correctly,
but to repeat myself, unless you report the failing command(s) exactly as
you typed them, there's no way anyone can tell you whether or not this is
the case.

the links point here

Actually, no they don't.  The links point to files in this directory.
This matters because yum does not understand directory dependencies, only
file dependencies.

You cannot type

   yum provides /@unixroot/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem

and expect any useful output.

and in this dir there is only a readme file
even with the 2020 one

That's comparatively antique.

You really should learn to use yum provides.  The command exists for a

Since the symlink points to


yum --disablerepo=*exp provides

reports the most recent version of the package is

   ca-certificates-2021.2.50-1.oc00.noarch : The Mozilla CA root
certificate bundle
   Repo        : @netlabs-exp
   Matched from:
   Filename    :


   yum update ca-certificates

should have gotten you a properly installed set of certs.


of course this is the first thing i tried, before the link sent by Paul
but i've issues

yum want to update also dependacy: dash-sh
doing that i got 2 errors:

Errore nel controllo transazione:

il file /@unixroot/usr/bin/sh dell'installazione di dash-sh-

entra in conflitto con il file del pacchetto ash-0.0.0-10.oc00.i386

il file /@unixroot/usr/bin/sh.exe dell'installazione di dash-sh-
entra in conflitto con il file del pacchetto ash-0.0.0-10.oc00.i386


error during transaction check

the file ... conflicts with ash-0.0.0-10.oc00.i386 package
the file ...exe of ...pentium4 conflicts the package ash-0.0.0-10.oc00.i386

even if i try to install dash-sh with a separate command (yum install dash-sh)
i get the same error


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