Mailing List Archived Message #1138

Fra: "Massimo S." <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Emne: Re: [eCS-ISP] Updating bind
Dato: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 11:07:37 +0100
Til: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Hi Paul,

any news about bind?

Since 9.11.37 even with all the fixes it still have the same issue that
the process freeze and the server must be "setboot /b", since the process
becomes unresponsive and unkillable.

With the fixes it happens less than before, about once each two days,
but it still happens, even during office hours.


Il 29/12/2024 01:50, Paul Smedley ha scritto:
Hey All,

Well this is *almost* working now. Still missing a bunch of patches from 9.11 that will need to be manually reviewed to determine if they're still needed.

When I say *almost*, it may actually be a configuration change that's required.

If I start the server on, any request from times out, and shows:

29-Dec-2024 11:09:29.577 client @0x20d1e14c (no-peer): allocate new client
29-Dec-2024 11:09:29.577 client @0x20d1e14c dropped request: blackholed peer
29-Dec-2024 11:09:29.577 client @0x20d1e14c reset client
29-Dec-2024 11:09:34.581 client @0x20d1e14c dropped request: blackholed peer
29-Dec-2024 11:09:34.581 client @0x20d1e14c reset client

I suspect a change is needed in named.conf

I'll hopefully have something suitable for testing shortly.



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