????????? #1146 ?????? ?????? ???????? ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com

??: "Massimo S." <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com> ?????? ?????????
?????????????? ?????????
????: Re: [eCS-ISP] ntp day issue
????: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 10:08:33 +0100
????: eCS ISP Mailing List <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com>

Il 20/01/2025 07:26, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In <list-11990898@2rosenthals.com>, on 01/18/25
    at 11:09 AM, "Massimo S." <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com> said:

Hi Massimo,

this tool can run scheduled and not allways in memory?

Yes, it can be run in one shot mode.  See Section IV of os2_ntpd.man.

i've seen, but it do not document in details

os2_ntpd 2 2

ntp server RFC 5905, hour and date is right
but how can i be sure?
how to make it to save a log?
if i want to run it with more IP (INRIM has 3 IP/servers)
should i run also

os2_ntpd 2 2

or is there another way to give it a list?
(if i use cfg_data there is no instructions to run
it scheduled, or "one shot")

That said, os2_ntpd is an NTP client which is designed to work best
running as a detached daemon.

i will run scheduled some times per day



i've this issue since years
even when the MTA1 was running on bare metal

i run the time sync at each reboot, sometimes it show the date issue i've
never understand why

Most of the time sync protocols use UDP, so random, intermittent errors
are to be expected and the time sync applications are expected to deal
with this.

Here is the tail of the current log

2025/01/19 17:14:36: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server
1.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 17:14:38: Poll interval is 16 seconds
2025/01/19 17:14:51: Poll interval changed to 32 seconds
2025/01/19 17:16:27: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server
1.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 17:18:02: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply
from Server 1.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 17:18:35: Poll interval
changed to 64 seconds 2025/01/19 17:19:41: Poll interval changed to 128
2025/01/19 17:21:46: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server
2.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 17:23:55: Poll interval changed to 256
2025/01/19 17:28:10: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server
0.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 17:53:48: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply
from Server 2.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 18:36:27: *** Timed Out
Waiting on Reply from Server 1.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 19:23:23: ***
Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server 1.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19
20:23:07: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server pool.ntp.org ***
2025/01/19 20:48:43: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server
2.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 20:48:44: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply
from Server 1.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 20:48:45: *** Timed Out Waiting
on Reply from Server 2.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 20:52:59: *** Timed Out
Waiting on Reply from Server 2.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 21:01:31:
*** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server 0.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19
21:22:51: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server 2.us.pool.ntp.org ***
2025/01/19 21:39:54: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply from Server
us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 21:52:43: *** Timed Out Waiting on Reply
from Server 2.us.pool.ntp.org *** 2025/01/19 22:14:17: Can not get host
address for "us.pool.ntp.org" 2025/01/19 22:14:34: Can not get host
address for "0.us.pool.ntp.org" 2025/01/19 22:14:51: Can not get host
address for "1.us.pool.ntp.org" 2025/01/19 22:35:24: *** Timed Out Waiting
on Reply from Server 2.pool.ntp.org ***

Any of the above errors might cause a naive application to set the time

Os2_ntpd and the NTP v3 protocol it implements is designed in such a way
that this will not occur.  If you are sufficiently curious as to why take
a look at RFC 1305.


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