-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: New BIND releases are available: 9.11.22, 9.16.6, and 9.17.4
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2020 10:35:08 -0800
From: Michael McNally <mcnally@isc.org>
To: bind-announce@lists.isc.org
Our August maintenance releases of BIND are available and can be downloaded
from the ISC software download page, https://www.isc.org/download
In addition to bug fixes and feature improvements, these particular maintenance
releases also contain fixes for five vulnerabilities, CVE-2020-8620, CVE-2020-8621,
CVE-2020-8622, CVE-2020-8623, and CVE-2020-8624, about which more information
is provided in these Security Advisories: