Archivovaná správa #138 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Al Savage" <> Celá hlavička
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavička: Re: [eCS-ISP] Editor more like OS/2's e or AE
Dátum: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 08:26:53 -0800
Komu: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

I primarily use two: I use Atom for anything non-trivial.  It does
better syntax highlighting than gedit, which is the other one I use.


On 12/15/20 8:17 AM, Ian Manners wrote:
Hi All,

I'm getting annoyed with Linux's various editors, so I'm
wondering if other Linux users on this list no if there is
an editor similiar to OS/2's e or Aaron Lawrence's AE

Being able to double click on a string of characters and
have it select the string, Linux editors seem to work
fine as long as the string is made of all numbers, or all
letters, once there is a shifted character or other non blank
character, other little differences that make life a difficult.


Al Savage

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