Mailing List Archived Message #141

From: Ian Manners Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Editor more like OS/2's e or AE
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 02:12:48 +0800 (AWST)
To: eCS ISP Mailing List

Hi Steven,

> >I'm getting annoyed with Linux's various editors, so I'm
> >wondering if other Linux users on this list no if there is
> >an editor similiar to OS/2's e or Aaron Lawrence's AE
> >editors.
> What are you currently using?

I've tried several from Ubuntu's SNAP package manager
but have settled on the standard gedit, which lacks the
double click highlight, and it's still irritating moving between
OS/2 and Linux as I keep trying to use shortcut keys..
Been a good 12 months now so think its time I tried
to find across both OS/2 and linux - not looking for a
programming editor, and not a command line editor like

Will install QE tomorrow and see how that compares
as I can use under both OS/2 and linux.

Think I've looked at Atom but will have to check in the


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