Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #142

Van: "Massimo S." <> Volledige berichtkoppen
Ongedecodeerd bericht
Onderwerp: issue with Injoy FW (4.2.2) and a VPN tunnel
Datum: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 18:52:25 +0100
Aan: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Hi all,

i've an issue with an Injoy FW VPN tunnel:


SITE A communicate correctly with SITE C and of course SITE C to SITE A

SITE B communicate correctly with SITE A and of course SITE A to SITE B

SITE B and SITE C have issues i can ping everything in the 2 lans
from lan of SITE B to lan of SITE C and viceversa

but all protocols have issues
it seems that only very small packets do work between SITE B and SITE C
(and viceversa)

e.g. if a copy from a folder a very small file (e.g. 1KiloByte file) from
SITE C to SITE B it works
if i copy a bigger file it does not work and it seems to wait forever

in the past SITE B to SITE C and vice versa communications worked correctly

both SITE B and SITE C (like also SITE A) use MD5 as auth header
and 3DES as encrpytion, ip compression DEFLATE
preshared secret and client-Xauth

i've of course tried to disable compression, but nothing changes/no improvement

i'm running out of idea
it seems like an MTU issue
the 2 FW machines runs eCS2.2b and have MTU 1500 on the WAN and lan NIC
and that's the right MTU as also suggested by the ISP

any help?



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