Mailing List Archived Message #162

Fra: "Paul Smedley" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Emne: Re: [eCS-ISP] Stunnel 5.58
Dato: Sat, 6 Mar 2021 07:03:25 +1030
Til: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Hi Max,

On 1/3/21 8:41 pm, Massimo S. wrote:

Il 01/03/2021 11:06, Massimo S. ha scritto:

Il 27/02/2021 22:29, Paul Smedley ha scritto:
Hi All,

On 28/2/21 5:47 am, Massimo S. wrote:

Il 27/02/2021 09:52, Paul Smedley ha scritto:
Hey Steven,

On 27/2/21 7:03 pm, Steven Levine wrote:
In <>, on 02/27/21
    at 06:16 PM, "Paul Smedley" <> said:

Hi Paul,

Not tested - but I'd expect it to work...

I will install it here soon-ish.  Does it include debug data?  Since
Massimo fixed his mantis mail issues, I expect to resume working on
Massimo's ticket # 709 once I finish up some other work in progress.
It doesn't - but I can rebuild in the morning.

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I suspect the 100% is some sort of
fast select retry loop.  I should be able to confirm with with the

That wouldn't surprise me - our select() is pretty buggy.



hi all,

thanks a lot will wait debug build

i add in the last days stunnel on the 2nd server (1core VM) gave a lot of
100% cpu, i had to put an hour close & restart

on the other server i don't see much issues (about cpu load) since it's 4core



hi all,

upgraded server 2 to this build



gone back to 5.56 debug since this one crash on startup:

INTERNAL ERROR: TLS initialization failed at stunnel.c, line 124
                                                                                             Killed by SIGABRT

pid=0x69aa ppid=0x696f tid=0x0001 slot=0x005e pri=0x0200 mc=0x0001 ps=0x0010

Process dumping was disabled, use DUMPPROC / PROCDUMP to enable it.

I am NOT seeing this here.  I just tested the build and it's working fine in my environment. Please post the full output of trying to run stunnel, not just the one line with the internal error. There may be useful additional context around that error.



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