Mensaje archivado #178 de la Lista

De: "Massimo S." <> Encabezados Completos
Mensaje no decodificado
Asunto: Re: [eCS-ISP] Stunnel 5.58
Fecha: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 11:51:31 +0100
Para: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 08/03/2021 03:48, Steven Levine ha scritto:
so the patch needs to be updated to include:


Paul, can you do this for us for the next build?  There's not rush

Massimo, the evidence implies you have an out of sync DLL.  Are you fully
updated according to ANPM or yum or whatever you use?


no, since on another VM i've AOS+ANPM so i've updated the klibc stuff from that machine
and also pthreads dll

it happens the same..


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