List Arkiverade meddelande #214

Från: "Massimo S." <> Meddelandehuvud
Oavkodat meddelande
Ämne: Re: [eCS-ISP] apache 2.4.x and php 5.6.40 and UCONV.DLL issue
Datum: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:29:53 +0100
Till: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 15/03/2021 05:47, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In <>, on 03/13/21
    at 08:10 PM, "Massimo S." <> said:

Hi Massimo,

Thanks Steven, but luckily i fixed it

Good to hear.

maybe some update of PSD=ACPI.PSI put the switch /VBE
instead for my HW configuration

You must still be running an anitque version of ACPI.PSD.  The /VBE switch
has been gone for a long time.

i need /VW switch
(due to LSI megaraid sata2 controller)

That makes sense, but you must have already had this in your production
config.sys.  I don't really understand how the /VBE got into CONFIG.X  if
you copied CONFIG.SYS to CONFIG.X as I recommended.


i guess some AN ACPI update
since it had not that switch in the past years

anyway it works now, so it's better don't make other changes
that could create issues



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