In <>, on 03/29/21
at 01:08 AM, "Massimo S." <> said:
>my ANPM is in italian,
That's expected.
>that's is the reason why i explain the error and
This would be fine if you understood enough to actually explain the error
in a way that would allow others to help you. I don't expect this
because, if this was the case, you would most likely be able to solve the
issue on your own.
Unlike Dan, my Italian is pretty much non-existant, but in most cases the
Itailian in the output is irrelevant when it comes to understanding a
given problem. For example, in the case of the yum list output which was
mostly Italian, all I needed to see to know what the problem was was the
i386 reference.
If I need something translated, I will use google or ask for a
translation. This will rarely be needed because most of this kind out
output is both pretty simple and rather consistent in construction.
>also eCSISP don't accept attachments
>so i can't send a screenshot
You can always send screenshots privately and reply to the list, but this
has been stated many times.
FWIW, in most cases, I can figure out what most of this kind of output
means without understanding Italian. When I see "Pacchetti installati" in
some output I know it means "Installed Packages" because that is what it
is in the English output. This is more like word substitution than