List Arkiverade meddelande #297

Från: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Meddelandehuvud
Oavkodat meddelande
Ämne: Re: [eCS-ISP] links in the ticket
Datum: Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:53:58 -0500
Till: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

On 03/29/21 03:48 am, Massimo S. wrote:
Il 29/03/2021 04:52, Lewis G Rosenthal ha scritto:

On 03/28/21 06:26 pm, Steven Levine wrote:
In <>, on 03/29/21
    at 01:11 AM, Massimo Sangriso consulente informatico
<> said:


since that ridicolous ML (in 2021 is ridicolous, sorry)

Ridiculous, eh? <ahem>

please ignore it
just a moment of frustration due to some yum/rpm/anpm and such issue on a system of mine
and it was very late in the night here..


We're still friends, and you're still invited to my house for seder any year you're in the States around Passover. In fact, you're invited to my house any time you're in the States.

There are so many things about which people may disagree and become frustrated. How the mailing list works and how or when or to whom to report or request fixes, changes, and enhancements should not be among them. Life is truly too short for this. I'm here to help, just like everyone else on this list and in the community at large. Just ask.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
visit my IT blog      

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