????????? #406 ?????? ?????? ???????? ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com

??: "Steven Levine" <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com> ?????? ?????????
?????????????? ?????????
????: Re: [eCS-ISP] IJ FW 4.2.2 ICMP not working
????: Thu, 25 Aug 2022 13:54:45 -0700
????: "eCS ISP Mailing List" <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com>

In <list-4755234@2rosenthals.com>, on 08/25/22
   at 10:14 PM, "Massimo S." <ecs-isp@2rosenthals.com> said:


>i use vpn at level 4

I understand this.  The purpose of the custom rule is to make sure not
other rule expectedly disabled ICMP.

Does ping work if you disable the firewall?


"Steven Levine" <steve53@earthlink.net>  Warp/DIY/BlueLion etc.
www.scoug.com www.arcanoae.com www.warpcave.com

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