Mailing List Archived Message #53

Fra: "Ian Manners" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Emne: Re: [eCS-ISP] bind - which version?
Dato: Thu, 06 Feb 2020 01:25:15 +0800 (AWST)
Til: "eCS ISP Mailing List" <>

Hi Massimo,
> also Stunnel:
> build often uses a lot of cpu it seems without a good reason
> (e.g. just one connection or nothing)

In your [SECTION] part, specify the protocol, ie, for POP3S,

protocol = pop3

I have removed this from my config which then went to using
50% cpu after about a day, it then ran out of memory with errors
such as :-

2020.02.04 09:16:12 LOG3[ui]: Connection rejected: create_client failed
2020.02.04 09:16:12 LOG3[ui]: pthread_create: Not enough memory (12)


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