In <>, on 01/01/24
at 07:42 PM, "Massimo S." <> said:
>> Does the mouse still move or is it stuck in place?
>no, it's all completely freezed
>no ping, no mouse movement, no keyboard tc.
This probably indicates a triple fault. Sometimes these reboot the
system. Sometimes, they hang the system. It's MB dependent.
>>> 0105 0.105M 0.012M 27 3 PROCDUMP
>> PROCDUMP should not be running.
>procdump was run by the script that close process and then reboot now
>i've removed all the diagnostic part in the hope it help
If you were running procdump to capture a dump file, that's OK, but you
need to wait for it to complete. By definition capturing a dump file is
pretty intrusive. It in effect needs to freeze parts of the kernel so the
data stays stable.
>this is not possible,
Whatever you say. You are the expert.
>this one (i guess the IBM default one):
>Directory of C:\OS2
>16/10/01 13:24 24.148 0 a--- SETBOOT.EXE
Bad guess. It's the AiRBoot compatible v1.1.4. The IBM setboot is only
support BootManager, although it's /B would probably work because /B is
independent of the BootManager.