Mailing List Archived Message #708

From: "Massimo S." <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Bind 9.11.37 issue
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 22:45:08 +0200
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 12/05/2024 01:09, Steven Levine ha scritto:
In <>, on 05/11/24
    at 11:02 AM, "Massimo S." <> said:

Hi Massimo,

I have reviewed ticket #784.

Please add a testlog.  Make sure to use the most recent version of

A copy of the output of go.exe for the system when it is running normally
might be helpful too.

so i moved everything on this new VM
eCS2.2b 6cores 4GB ram

What platform are you running VirtualBox under?  WIndows?  Linux?  What
version of VirtualBox?

WS 2022 standard edition 64bit ita

anyway it seems slower in performances than the old setup on bare metal
but running MPCPUMON.EXE the VM sees correctly 6 cores

Why did you choose to run with 6 cores?  Did you test with fewer or more
cores and find that 6 provides the best overall performance?

i tried to improve performances
i've seen that even with rsync is slower thant the previous server

Have you tried running with one core, just in case this is causing your
bind problem?  It's unlikely, but you should test this.

impossible, sorry
too much stuff running on this VM

everything it's keep up to date with YUM/ANPM
wget, klibc, curl, etc. etc.

Please use anpm and run Tools -> Export package list and attach the
listing file to the ticket.

Once I have had a chance to review the new data, I will verify that "r f d
o" is what we want to use to capture the dump file.  It probably is since
named does not have any private DLLs.


i'll add the files to mantis



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