List Arkiverade meddelande #728

Från: "Massimo S." <> Meddelandehuvud
Oavkodat meddelande
Ämne: Re: [eCS-ISP] Bind 9.11.37 issue - ticket #784 - update
Datum: Thu, 16 May 2024 18:32:17 +0200
Till: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Il 16/05/2024 17:19, Lewis G Rosenthal ha scritto:
On 05/16/24 11:04 am, Massimo S. wrote:
Hi all,

my own "startup.cmd" do:

inetcfg -s keepalive 60
inetcfg -set all

i've now seen with inetcfg -get all that my keepalive is still the very old default: 300

You just overwrote your 60 second keepalive (likely still too long, anyway) with whatever was written in %ETC%\inetcfg.ini (default=300 seconds).


inetcfg -s keepalive 15
inetcfg -g all


Remove any inetcfg references in STARTUP.CMD. When the stack initializes, it will automatically read %ETC%\inetcfg.ini which will have keepalive 30 in it.

maybe this could cause issues on the stack ip

Ya think?

A 5 minute keepalive on a modern LAN or even broadband connection is almost forever.

i don't understand why inetcfg -s keepalive 60 at startup don't work
anyway i've set it manually in the "lunch break" and rebooted the VM

It doesn't work because inetcfg.ini is higher and you are reading that (inetcfg -get all = read all settings from %ETC%\inetcfg.ini and overwrite what is currently in use).



anyway i've 60 now, going to set 30
this is my inetcfg.ini right now while i'm writing this email


keepalive 60 7800 0 7800 KeepAlive (sec)
tcpswinsize 64240 32768 1024 246723 TCP SendWindow Size
tcprwinsize 64240 32768 1024 246723 TCP RecvWindow Size
udpswinsize 9216 9216 1024 246723 UDP SendWindow Size
udprwinsize 41600 41600 1024 246723 UDP RecvWindow Size
lingertime 120 120 0 65535 Linger Time (sec)
probecnt 8 8 1 8 Number Of KeepAlive Probes
ipforward 0 0 0 1 IP Forwarding flag ON/OFF
mtudiscover 0 1 0 1 TCP Path MTU Discovery ON/OFF
arpkillc 1200 1200 180 15300 ARP Complete TimeOut (sec)
arpkilli 180 180 60 1200 ARP InComplete TimeOut (sec)
lipcstswinsize 10240 10240 1024 246723 LIPC Stream SendWindow Size
lipcstrwinsize 10240 10240 1024 246723 LIPC Stream RecvWindow Size
lipcdgswinsize 2048 2048 1024 246723 LIPC Dgram SendWindow Size
lipcdgrwinsize 4096 4096 1024 246723 LIPC Dgram RecvWindow Size
synattack 1 0 0 1 SYN Attack Flag ON/OFF
syncookie 0 0 0 1 SYN Cookie Flag ON/OFF
firewall 0 0 0 1 FIREWALL ON/OFF
multidefrt 0 1 0 1 Multiple Default Routes ON/OFF
winscale 1 1 0 1 TCP Window Scale ON/OFF
timestmp 1 0 0 1 TCP TimeStamps ON/OFF
realslow 20 20 1 100 TCP TW Q Slow Timeout ticks
perfhttp 1 1 0 1 Fast Path HTTP ON/OFF
tcpttl 64 64 1 255 TCP  TTL (hops)
udpttl 64 64 1 255 UDP  TTL (hops)
icmpttl 64 64 1 255 ICMP TTL (hops)
fragttl 60 60 1 255 Fragment TTL (sec)
reusetw 0 1 0 1 Reuse Time Wait ON/OFF
msl 30 30 1 16384 TCP MaxSegLifeTime (sec)
cc 0 0 0 1 TTCP function ON/OFF
sack 0 0 0 1 Selective ACK ON/OFF


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