Looking at the appends stack traces for all the threads, there are a
couple of possible reasons for the hang.
The thread a slot 5b is waiting on a select() to return. However, this
select has no timeout value defined.
You might notice that a couple of the threads are waiting to acquire a r/w
lock on some data.
Massimo, I need to see two more dump files. The first taken after you
notice named has hung and the second taken after you have attempted to
kill named. With a bit of luck, this will help us figure out why the kill
Paul, how much work would it be to build named.exe with debug symbols?
If you look at the stack traces, some of the offsets are large. This
means that the code is not in the function named in the stack trace. It
is in a static function which is not present in the linker .map file.
With debug data, I can add the static functions to the map file without
too much effort.