Mailing List Archived Message #836

From: "Paul Smedley" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] Apache HTTPS
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 09:40:21 +0930
To: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Hi Steven,

On 16/8/24 09:00, Steven Levine wrote:
In <>, on 08/16/24
    at 07:28 AM, "Paul Smedley" <> said:


    create a new-crt.pem and new-key.pem
    hardlink the existing key.pem to timestamped-key.pem
    hardlink the existing crt.pem to timestamped-crt.pem
    unlink key.pem
    unlink crt.pem
    rename new-crt.pem to crt.pem
    rename new-key.pem to key.pem
OK... there is no copy() function in klibc - so I guess I'll find an
implementation, the alternate option being to rely on the user having
cp.exe available in path and calling that.
It's going to be an edge case for cp.exe not to exist on a system that
would need to use uacme.exe.  The system() call  would fail so the
condiition would not go unnoticed.

You could also do

     create a new-crt.pem and new-key.pem
     rename existing key.pem to timestamped-key.pem
     rename existing crt.pem to timestamped-crt.pem
     rename new-crt.pem to crt.pem
     rename new-key.pem to key.pem

It's not quite as safe as the method the developers chose, but the
difference is negligible, IMO is refreshed to call cp.exe



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