List Arkiverade meddelande #844

Från: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <> Meddelandehuvud
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Ämne: inetcfg.ini tuning (was: Re: [eCS-ISP] help about an Injoy FW rule)
Datum: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 16:23:07 -0400
Till: eCS ISP Mailing List <>


On 08/16/24 12:09 pm, Massimo S. wrote:


i know very well that thread, there also some posts of mine,
but it's not of much help, since it don't explain well how
to set all those parameters for all kind of connections
(eg. here there is a classic FTTC 100/20 but i'm far
about 300 meters from the cabinet so, it's less, about 75/19)

we'd need an utility that automatically set the inetcfg.ini parameters
for the users connection
this should be very very helpful

it's strange that AN or others have still not produced such a tool
since this is a great problem of the /2 world and even the latest
AN build suffer the same issue

Hmmm... And how would you propose a utility determine the optimal settings for any given set of conditions, particularly given that conditions on the internet can change from moment to moment?

Also, what's "the latest AN build" to your knowledge and experience?


I know that English is not your first language, Max, but "suffer" implies that something is truly crippling, failing, not working well, causing major inconvenience, etc. I just spent 30 minutes yesterday tuning the carburetor on my '63 Pontiac in the driveway. I consider tuning an art as much as a science, and couldn't imagine any automated method of accomplishing the same thing as I can with my ears (and a given tank of gas, knowing that the next tank may be different). The same thing goes for network tuning.

Yes, Arca Noae would like to improve upon our default settings, which have generally been inherited from Warp 4 in the days of dial-up and 10 and 100Mbps LANs. That said, there is a major difference between improving the out-of-box defaults and automatically tuning something.


Now that that is out of my system, is there something specific in inetcfg.ini which puzzles you? The general rule of thumb is change as few params as possible at one time. Start with TCP window sizes; generally, today, more is better than less, but network conditions are deterministic. If something else in there is unclear, please ask. I have been meaning to write up a wiki page on inetcfg.ini tuning, with better definitions than the included IBM docs have.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE, CWTS, EA
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC      
visit my IT blog      

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