Mailing List Archived Message #909

Fra: "Massimo S." <> Full Headers
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Emne: Re: [eCS-ISP] uacme (was Apache HTTPS) 1.2.4
Dato: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 09:47:21 +0200
Til: eCS ISP Mailing List <>

Hi all,

this new build 1.2.4 of Uacme works very well and fixed an issue i had with a .it domain
requesting for DNS TXT records while i'm using http method to re-issue certificates.

The only option you have to add is this one:

--c c:\mptn\etc\ssl\uacme

since i was using the certificates in the old path

I suggest ones using the old 1.0.4 to upgrade to this version.

Thanks Paul.


Il 17/08/2024 01:46, Paul Smedley ha scritto:
I took another look at this this morning. Turns out that in 1.2.4 the use  of open_memstream can be disabled with the --disable-ualpn switch to configure.

Build at

On 16/8/24 11:22, Paul Smedley wrote:

Further to this - 1.2.4 DOES use open_memstream....

On 14/8/24 06:23, Paul Smedley wrote:
No, it does not make sense to add additional complexity whilst we're trying to resolve usability defects with the current port.

On 14 August 2024 5:00:16 am ACST, "Massimo S." <> wrote:

    Il 13/08/2024 11:49, Paul Smedley ha scritto:

        Hi Steven, On 13/8/24 01:22, Steven Levine wrote:

            uacme hardcodes the configuration directory to /etc/ssl/uacme.  Most of us use the libc path
            rewriter which with default settings will map this path to %ETC/ssl/uacme. Perhaps the next
            build should use /@unixroot/etc/ssl rather than /etc/ssl? This generally works better with apps
            built against kLIBC?         With - it should look in /@unixroot/etc
        I'll aim to create a github repo for this later in the week. Cheers, Paul     Hi Paul, should not better to rebuild 1.2.4 instead of the old 1.0.19? thanks massimo
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