Mailing List Archived Message #938

From: "Steven Levine" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: Re: [eCS-ISP] HTTPS-Misery (for Steven)
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 12:58:00 -0800
To: "eCS ISP Mailing List" <>

In <>, on 10/09/24
   at 10:28 AM, "Massimo S." <> said:

Hi Massimo,

>so i can't use this script
>it requires too many modification to all my environment
>i've too much stuff (scripts, bkups, etc. that expect these paths)

Then don't modify your environment.  Modify the script.  I'm happy to see
you already figured this out.

>i've not the sufficient skill to fully modify your script
>i'm sorry
>even to understand it completely it could take months

Apparently, months became hours. :-)  You implemented a solution before I
had a chance to respond.

If you decide to go with a single hook script solution, here is how I
would map the LE ident to a docroot:

  docroot = ''
  mapping = 'mapping-file.txt'
  call stream mapping, 'C', 'OPEN'
  do while lines(mapping) \= 0
    line = linein(mapping)
    parse var line ident docroot
    docroot = strip(docroot)
    if ident == gIndent then
    docroot = ''
  call stream mapping, 'C', 'CLOSE'
  if docroot = '' then
    call Die 'Cannot map' gIdent 'to docroot'


"Steven Levine" <>  Warp/DIY/BlueLion etc.

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