Mailing List Archived Message #943 | back to list |
In <>, on 10/12/24
at 01:40 AM, "Massimo S." <> said:
Hi Massimo,
i still don't understand this
No problem. This stuff was all new to us at one time.
2024/10/12-01:33:15 hook_webmail started at 2024/10/12-01:33:15
2024/10/12-01:33:15 method is begin
2024/10/12-01:33:15 type is http-01
2024/10/12-01:33:15 ident is
2024/10/12-01:33:15 token is OQg2xEXcj39j6brHDmIDwj5V5mYY1_DOvU5DRDOnPh4
Not so good. Notice that the hook did not create the token file. You log
is missing a line like:
2024/08/25-19:58:36 Creating
which reports that the token file has been successfully created.
My guess is you broke the script when you did your edits. If think I see
what you did wrong. You set docroot with
docroot = 'X:\apache\htdocs\mywebsite\.well-known\acme-challenge'
You should have used
docroot = 'X:\apache\htdocs\mywebsite'
docroot as the name implies is the name of the document root directory,
not the challenge directory.
The challenge directory name is set by
challengeDir = MakePath( docroot, '.well-known\acme-challenge')
I'm pretty sure the script reported that it could not access
and died and you ignored the error message or it scrolled by too fast for
you to read.
Run uacme with the -h and -v options and capture stdout and stderr to a
uacme -v -h uacme-hook.cmd issue >out.log 2>&1
Out.log should contain the error message you missed.
i still find the acme-challenge dir empty
This is normal. The only reason the challenge directory will not be empty
is if uacme or the hook script crashes in such a way that the token file
is not deleted.
Your issue is a bit different. The token file never got created because
you pointed challengeDir at a non-existant directory and the script died.
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