UniAud16 Tests:
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:17:21 +0930, Paul Smedley wrote:
>The download URLs are:
>The first test changes the number of IRQs/sec from 64 to 16
This UniAud16 seems to be acceptable. No real difference
between this an the next [test2] level.
This level also seems OK and, at least for the moment, this is what I
am using.
UniAud32 Tests:
After trying several of the 1.9.3 and subsequent levels, I am back to
the V1.9.2 level:
>4-01-08 6:56a 574,658 54 a--- uniaud32.sys
All of the others cause problems in one way or another; mostly a locked
up system. In particular, these are the two that I tested with the
'test2' above:
And, they were almost guaranteed to lock up with YouTube videos and
also with some WMV files. In addition, all seemed to add a short
'blip' of sound after playing with the 'System Sounds' tool. My
current configuration is:
I should also mention one other issue that started when I began testing
all of these combinations, and is still present [and aggravating!]:
When I boot the system, eCenter is automatically
started via the StartUp folder. When it starts,
and after filling out all of the icons for active
tasks in tasks tray, there is a series of very fast
beeps [sort of a warning beep] that lasts for only
about a second at which point the entire eCenter
* There is nothing in the PopUpLog file.
* The desktop all of a sudden has scroll a bar on
the right side and the icons on my desktop all move
up about the distance of one 'row' of icons.
* Occasionally [totally unpredictable] the eCenter will
restart itself. Most of the time it does not and
I have to manually restart it. From this restart on,
it appears to work OK.
Backing up to what I thought was the level of the UniAud
files prior to all of these tests [circa 01-Apr] has not
restored correct operation of eCenter. I have no clue
about what is now different.
I did move from ACPI 3.08 to 3.09 last night, but it does
not seem to matter one way or the other. As far as I can
recall, I've made no other changes to the system [other
than these UniAud tests] since this weird behavior started.
I have not attached any of the diagnostic files, because you've usually
requested those after running the 'System Sounds' and those all seem to
work OK [with the exception of the extra little 'blip' at the end which
others have reported.\]. After a lockup, there's no way to obtain
If there is something you'd like me to try, just ask.