Mailing List gearchiveerd bericht #126

Van: "Carl Gehr" <> Volledige berichtkoppen
Ongedecodeerd bericht
Onderwerp: Re: [eCS T60/T61] uniaud32.sys v1.9.4 SVNr353 crashes
Datum: Sun, 18 May 2008 14:12:07 -0400 (EDT)
Aan: "eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List" <>

On Sun, 18 May 2008 10:38:21 -0700 (PDT), Jon Harrison wrote:

>On Sun, 18 May 2008 11:34:52 -0400 (EDT), Carl Gehr wrote:
>>Because of potential confusion with various test drivers, I'm going to
>>use actual driver date/times to identify what I have been using prior
>>to Paul's latest update.  I believe these to be from the distributions
>>>     uniaud16.sys    72912   4-18-08  10:20p
>>>     uniaud32.sys   574658   4-01-08   6:56a
>Here are the file dates I am working with:
>11-26-06 11:46a        61,198      0 a---  uniaud16.sys
> 5-17-08 12:48a     4,189,118     54 a---  uniaud32.sys (DEBUG VER)
>>A standard question for T6x issues:
>>*  Do you have:
>>as the first executable in the Config.Sys?
>No, it's quite far down on the list of run= statements.  epw.exe is first.

You really should move it to the top. There appears to be some critical
timing issue with other commands.

My EPW.Exe is down at Line-204 [but, I have a bunch of comment lines
that pushes it about 40 lines.  So, moving the HelperW up should also
be a priority.

>>I have:
>>  IFS=o:\OS2\BOOT\FAT32.IFS /CACHE:2048 /H /Q
>>using the FAT32 0.9.11 version.  I have not tried the 0.9.12, nor the
>>0.9.12 with the fix to a problem that was reported.
>My cachef32 is /F /S

My settings are simply following instructions from others.  I have no
real idea what they mean.
>>    What ACPI are you using and what are your switch settings?
>>I am using:
>>      [Note:  APM.SYS is not compatible with ACPI]
>I'm nearly the same, I use:

One of my comments in Config.Sys:
  Rem  PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP  <==== Add /APIC <==== BOOT HANG!
Try eliminating '/APIC' and see what happens.

>>Don't know that this will be much help since our environments are
>>somewhat different.  But, the solutions these days seem to be more art
>>than science.
>Anyway, thanks for the feedback.  I've rem'd out fat32.ifs & cachef32 and off to try it again.
>Not expecting any miracles.

Not expecting to provide any...  ;-)


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