On Sun, 18 May 2008 14:42:33 -0700 (PDT), Jon Harrison wrote:
>On Sun, 18 May 2008 14:12:07 -0400 (EDT), Carl Gehr wrote:
>>You really should move it to the top. There appears to be some critical
>>timing issue with other commands.
>This is all black magic. I didn't tell it where to put helperw. Mine is probably near the bottom by virtue of the fact that I didn't install acpi until
>later on. I guess I should ask *why* should I move it closer to the top? It will be just another thing to puzzle over while I tear out my hair. For
>example, sometime in the recent past my lan services stopped working but I didn't notice until today. It wasn't the install of uniaud that did it
>but *someting* has happened to break it. That is an entire different path I have to follow in order to discover what is broken. Moving helperw
>around just complicates it (then again, it may fix it as installing smp, acpi, & apm were the last major changes I made!).
I think you're mixing two facilities. The RUN of HelperW.Exe is for
GenMac not for ACPI. And, this may also explain your 'loss of LAN
services.' The Install.Cmd should have correctly placed the 'RUN...'
It is possible, if you [or indirectly by some other tool] sorted the
Config.Sys, that could be the culprit in the misplaced RUN...
I cannot help you with the 'Why' for the HelperW.Exe, all I know is it
appears to be imperative that it not only be 'early' but specifically
'first' in the Config.Sys.
As I mentioned earlier, I think the FAT32 issue is not relevant to
sound working or not. I have working FAT32 with no problems.
One sound practice for this kind of diagnostic work is to never change
more than one thing at a time. My normal process is also that, if I
make a change that is 'experimental' to see what happens, and if that
change does not have the desired result, I put it back before changing
something else. Otherwise, it is difficult to tie down exactly what
fixed/caused the problem.
I would, in this case, make an exception for the HelperW.Exe
positioning. That, IMHO, should be done without regard to other
speculative tweaking.