Gönderim Listesi ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com Ar?vli ?leti #170

Gönderen: "madodel" <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com> Tam Ba?l?klar
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Konu: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Unimaint
Tarih: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 06:57:13 -0400
Alacak: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com>

Jon Harrison wrote:
Does anyone have unimaint and get it to run on the TP61?

Running repair -> report only locks up my system.  If the usb mouse
is plugged in it locks up when I move the mouse.  If the usb mouse
is unplugged and I use the stick it runs but never produces the

Checkini also locks up sometimes.

Anyone with these apps have success?

"Checkini  /C  /Y:2"  ran here, but hung on the WPS reset.  Unimaint v5.10.23 had an exception and closed the first time I tried the report, but then ran the report and ran the repair without problem.


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