Gönderim Listesi ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com Ar?vli ?leti #218

Gönderen: "Lewis G Rosenthal" <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com> Tam Ba?l?klar
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Konu: Re: [eCS T60/T61] Checkini
Tarih: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:23:53 -0400
Alacak: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com>

On 08/20/08 06:07 pm, Jon Harrison thus wrote :
Running checkini on my T61 results in a hang when the desktop
resets at the end of the checkini run.

Noticing that wpsreset from xwp works fine, I replaced the resetwps
file in checkini w/ the one from xwp and renamed to to match the
one I replaced.  Works fine now.  I don't know if the one from eCenter works or not.

Having read this over a couple of times, I now have a better idea as to what you are referring.

On my T43, running eCS 1.2R with xwp 1.0.8, I get:

wpsreset V1.0.8 (Jun  7 2008) (C) 1998-2005 Ulrich Möller
Restarts the Workplace Shell process.
Usage: wpsreset -D

6-07-08  1:08a        20,727      0 a---  WPSRESET.EXE

While the version number in RC5 agrees, the files are of different lengths (the one form RC5 is smaller and has a 5/5/2008 date on it). I've attached it for you to test.

For clarity, the file attached is from a running RC5 install with plain eWPS.

Lewis G Rosenthal, CNA, CLP, CLE
Rosenthal & Rosenthal, LLC                www.2rosenthals.com
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Ekli Dosya:  wpsreset.exe (26835 bytes)

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