Archivovaná správa #289 diskusnej skupiny

Od: "Andy Willis" <> Celá hlavi?ka
Nedekódovaná správa
Hlavi?ka: Re: [eCS T60/T61] T60 and RC5 initial notes
Dátum: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 15:18:59 -0600
Komu: eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List <>

Julian Thomas wrote:
In<>, on 09/08/08
    at 11:20 AM, "Lewis G Rosenthal"<>  typed:

I just let it run the actual install; I simply don't
select an audio driver. This puts the base MMOS2 in place,
so that all you need to do is run MInstall to apply the

I've done that -haven't had time to work on sound yet. A few observations
on the install:

On install, for notebook options, there were no thinkpads past the T40
series offered.

Also, on install, the ACPI 3.09 "Wizard cannot determine proper options".

The Locale date format editor is STILL unusable - ISTR that there was a
workaround, but don't remember what it was.

Install leaves DEVICE=F:\OS2\BOOT\PSCOM.SYS in config.sys which stops the
system on bootup. I've remmed it out; anyone know what it is and why it's
there but not loading?  It's in os2\boot.

Shutdown won't turn off the system; when it says that it's time to shut
the machine off, pressing power generates an immediate trap 0008. I just
power off again and next time I turn it on, there are no cuss msgs on

Desktop - Properties - eShutdown - STILL cannot create an eShutdown
folder. This was broken in RC2 on this machine also.

This was the first time I've used a JFS boot partition, and that seems to
be working quite smoothly. Thanks to the teams that put that in place.

Any fixes or workaround for the other items?

Pscom.sys is for pci com driver... not sure why it seems to always be installed, thought RC5 had fixed that as boot didn't hang on my T60.  Shutdown can be fixed by turning off shutdown - animation in the desktop properties.

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