Mailing List Archived Message #293

From: "Jon Harrison" <> Full Headers
Undecoded message
Subject: T61 peer connect
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:29:43 -0700 (PDT)
To: "eCS ThinkPad T60/61 Mailing List" <>


With my T61 under rc2 I had no problems w/ peer but
now I've reformatted and reinstalled rc5 and I can't get peer to
work.  I'm sure I have it setup right but I can connect in one
direction only.  The Thinkpad can see my network & shares
(wirelesss) but my other
network computers can only see the Thinkpad as a server but cannot
see the shares.  
Net view gets me a correct list but I get "The network path was not
found" when I do 'net view \\T61servername'.

I'm using a common logon between all computers.  Same rights, same
name, same PW.

I've double checked that the share is started and running lmsync
confirms a big green checkmark next to interface 0, 1, & 2 and
matches the below listed networks.

This lack of connectivity is for BOTH wired & wireless interfaces.



; This information is read by the redirector at device
initialization time.
  net1 = TCPBEUI$,0,LM10,34,100,14
  net2 = TCPBEUI$,1,LM10,34,100,14
  net3 = NETBEUI$,2,LM10,34,100,14

and it has

  srvhidden = no

and also

  srvnets = net1,net2,net3

and also

  wrkservices = MESSENGER, peer
  wrknets = net1,net2,net3
  Computername = 8bells
  Domain = DOMAIN


LanTrans.log is clean:

LT00073: FFST/2 is installed but is not started.  LANTRAN.LOG is
being created.
IBM OS/2 LANMSGDD [05/21/04] 6.00 is loaded and operational.
IBM - OS/2 Socket/MPTS Common Transport Semantics
NETBEUI: Using a 32-bit data segment.
TCPBEUI: Using a 32-bit data segment.
Installing NETWKSTA.200 Version 6.0. IBM LAN Redirector ( May 25,

Adapter 0 has 123 NCBs, 96 sessions, and 6 names available to
NETBIOS applications.
Adapter 1 has 123 NCBs, 96 sessions, and 6 names available to
NETBIOS applications.
Adapter 2 has 123 NCBs, 96 sessions, and 6 names available to
NETBIOS applications.
NETBIOS 4.0 is loaded and operational.
IBM LANVDD is loaded and operational.
IBM OS/2 LAN Netbind
WRND322$ bound to  "VECTOR".
WRND322$ WRAPPER for bus: 3 slot: 0 Vendor: 0x8086 Device: 0x4230.
WRND322$ load SYS: "NETW4X32.SYS" length: 2206976 CRC: 0x84fd /
WRND322$ load INF: "NETW4X32.REG" length: 2647.
WRND322$ WRAPPER ErrorLog 0x40001b7c.
WRND322$ WRAPPER hardware init successfull MAC : 001F3B:278397.
WRND32$  bound to  "TCPIP_NIF".
WRND32$  WRAPPER for bus: 0 slot: 25 Vendor: 0x8086 Device: 0x1049.
WRND32$  load SYS: "E1E5132.SYS" length: 181760 CRC: 0xcd4e /
WRND32$  load INF: "E1E5132.INF" length: 857.
WRND32$  WRAPPER ErrorLog 0x6004002a.
WRND32$  WRAPPER ErrorLog 0xa0040026.
WRND32$  WRAPPER hardware init successfull MAC : 000000:000000.
IBM - OS/2 Socket/MPTS NetBios Service Driver
TCPBEUI: Logical adapter 0 is bound to TCP/IP interface lan0.
TCPBEUI: Logical adapter 1 is bound to TCP/IP interface lan1.
Adapter 2 is using node address 001F3B278397.  The Token-Ring
format is 00F8DCE4C1E9.


Protocol.ini has:


   netbeui_nif = netbeui.nif
   tcpbeui_nif = tcpbeui.nif
   tcpip_nif = tcpip.nif
   W8086X1049_nif = W8086X1049.NIF
   W8086X4230_nif2 = W8086X4230.NIF


   DriverName = netbios$
   ADAPTER2 = netbeui$,2
   ADAPTER0 = tcpbeui$,0
   ADAPTER1 = tcpbeui$,1


Again, I can connect at my Thinkpad and map drives of other
computers.  But I cannot
map to the Thinkpad from the rest of the network.

And to make it more frustrating, I have no problem connecting to
that computer from eCS when it is running XP, I only have the
problem when it's running eCS (kinda backwards from the usual

Any ideas?

Thanks, Jon

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