On Mon, 09 Mar 2009 22:52:45 +0100 (CET), Frank Vos wrote:
>Hello Carl,
>>Except for possibly one time, I do not recall the 'flashing'
>>problem after the system has been idle for a while. When it does
>>appear, it's usually after I've been using it for a while. One
>>possible clue that just occurred to me: When the system has been
>>idle, the air near the back left vents is usually cool. Right now,
>>with the flashing having happened [and switched OFF/ON to get back
>>to a solid light] a few minutes ago, the air coming from the vent
>>is actually quite warm. Two points this makes to me [not a h/w
>>1) The fan is actually working.
>>2) It could be an overheating problem.
>I like to add a possible culprit to the mix, that could also explain
>the overheating. From time to time my TPad R60 gets really hot and I begun
>using a utility (cpuspeed 1.4) to throttle down my CPU. Judging from the
>output of this utility I see that my CPU after some time is running at
>100% and the program is not able to trottle the CPU down anymore, heavy
>IRQ load.
>I tested different versions of ACPI this weekend, with version 3.13
>my WIFI led was flashing a lot and I also lost my connection. With
>version 3.11 my WIFI led isn't flashing, but from time to time I still
>have my CPU at 100%.
>What version of ACPI are you using? (bldlevel \os2\dll\acpi32.dll will
>tell you the version).
A couple of new points of interest in the last two weeks:
1) These strange behavior patterns just seem to have started
all of a sudden, with no clear explanation, in the last
few months -- basically since mid-November or so.
2) My system [except for the WiFi adapter and the system board
that were changed, but have had no impact on the symptoms]
has had no changes since last summer. So, unless there is
some kind of date sensitive code, I'm stumped about what
could be causing this.
3) If I do not flip the physical switch to stop the 'flashing'
and go back to a solid on state, eventually the flashing
begins to slow and ultimately the light goes out completely,
and the xWLAN monitor shows:
"Searching for a connection for the current profile."
Usually, if I flip the physical switch, the connection comes
back at near 100% and communications can be restarted.
Occasionally, the communications activity will restart on its
own [other than my flipping the switch].
4) A relatively new wrinkle is that the sound processing appears
to also have started erratic behavior. e.g., After the
system was sitting idle for approximately six hours, except
for checking for mail every four minutes and sounding a beep
if a message arrived, I found the system emitting a constant
tone. Pressing the mute button on the keyboard stopped the
sound. Then, pressing one of the high/low volume buttons
returned the system to a normal state of sounding the beep
only if a message arrived. I also suspect sound incidents
with recent total system lock ups.
5) I just returned from a conference in Austin, TX. While
using my system via WiFi, I noticed a friend's T43
running WinXP was exhibiting the same 'rapid flashing'.
When I asked about it, my friend said he "...had never noticed
that before." So, add to the symptoms: T43, WinXP and a
totally different venue. The one difference: He was not
seeing the wireless connection drop completely after some
period of time.
6) I guess I should mention that the system does run a bit 'warm'
but I would not say the air feels 'hot.'
In response to the actual question you asked, here is the result
of the BLDLEVEL [slightly reformatted for readability]: