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I have done this on my T61P, finally successfully but after much grief
along the way.
I recommend using Boot Manager and GRUB, but contrary to what Lewis
has said, I would NOT put GRUB in the /boot partition. That way seems
to lead to disaster and inability to boot the ECS installation CD let
alone ECS itself, just as Andy says. Don't even bother creating a
/boot partition.
Do the partitioning with eCS and install Boot Manager and then eCS.
Then install Ubuntu and put GRUB into the root partition. I would not
bother with JFS for Ubuntu - it seems to be incompatible with our JFS,
I am using EXT3 for both my / and /home partitions. I have one FAT32
partition which is accessble by Win7, Ubuntu and eCS.
There are further (serious) complications if you want to put Vista or
Win7 on the machine as well, but I still have not got to the bottom of
them .........
Oh, yes, go for the 64-bit versions of Ubuntu, and don't bother with
anything earlier than 9.04! I have not tried Kab - I use Ubuntu/Ubuntu
Good luck, and let us know how you get on!
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Lothar Frommhold
<> wrote:
Hello to everyone:
I need to install OS/2-eCS2.0 (RC6a) and Ubuntu (or rather the Kubuntu variety) on a T61p. Does someone in this newsgroup have some experience? I wonder what one should do:
1. Try to multi-boot Kubuntu and eCS? Would this work?
2. Install Kubuntu and run eCS in a virtual machine as a guest? (64 bit VMWare 4.0 supports OS/2 4.51)
3. Install VMWare and run Kubuntu and eCs as guests? (The T61p processor is a T9300, ready to support virtual machines.)
If someone knows of a "how-to" to do any of the three choices above, could you please let me know? Any help or clue you might be able to give is appreciated!
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