Gönderim Listesi ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com Ar?vli ?leti #422 | listeye geri dön |
Hello everyone!Lother, are you certain that SDDHELP.SYS is getting loaded in CONFIG.SYS?
The installation of eCS RC6a on a T61p was straight-forward, at least for everything I really need. There is one feature though that is less than what one needs, concerning the video driver. I use Snap at 1040x760 (or so), 16 MB depth, and it is SLOW. Directory listings of many files take too much time; the light box mode of PMView takes too long to display; work with the browser (seamonkey) is often very slow, etc. Would someone have a suggestion of what one could try to speed up the display some? Is there a way?
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