Gönderim Listesi ecs-t6x@2rosenthals.com Ar?vli ?leti #434 | listeye geri dön |
Just a FYI . . .Indeed. I should have mentioned this update at Warpstock, as it should prove more useful to people with newer hardware. It does indeed provide better descriptions of many of the devices we've seen (and are seeing for the first time).
There was a recent announcement of an updated pcidevs.txt file
for the PCI.EXE program. The new file is:
found on Hobbes.
Just for kicks, I repeated the PCI run for my T60 and then did a
compare of the output report files.
The comparison report showed:
08/19/109 01:17:21 INSERT DELETE MATCH
PCI_FOR_T60-NEW-20090811. 000061 000059 000598
Many of the changes were similar to:
I - Subsystem ID 201717AAh ThinkPad T60/R60 series 000019 INSERTED
D - Subsystem ID 201717AAh Unknown 000019 DELETED
I - Subsystem Vendor 17AAh Lenovo 000020 INSERTED
D - Subsystem Vendor 17AAh Legend Ltd 000020 DELETED
But, a lot of the others seemed to be providing more/better
I honestly have no clue what most of the info in the report actually
means. But, for those of you that do understand this stuff, the new
device list file may provide better info for you.
I hope the exercise is worthwhile for you...
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